Osaka (Kansai part 2)

So it’s just about a week to go now before I have to go back to Sweden. I’m thinking of buying space for extra luggage for my trip back home because there is a lot of stuff to bring back… and on top of that I want to buy some more stuff! The alcohol here is crazy cheap. Yesterday, we had dinner at David’s place. Asami made nabe and David made some Philipino chicken which was awesome. To this, we drank umeshu. You can buy a two liter pack for about 750 yen and that very cheap. In Sweden, alcohol is really expensive so I was thinking of bringing some home with me so I don’t have to care about buying that much for parties when I get back. There are bottles of wine for about 300 yen (750ml) as well.  It’s not like it’s the best wine or so, but it still tastes like wine.

Tomorrow’s my last grammar and vocabulary test. Hopefully I’ll score well on this one as well. On Wednesday we have tests in speed reading and listening comprehension but other than that, we’re all done! Friday is our last day here at Nihon University and on by Saturday morning we have to take our belongings and get out of these apartments so they can clean up after us and prepare for the next term. I’ve finished written all my reports as well so I’m now officially done with all of them. For some reason two of the reports are about food. I think Kyle’s influence on me is greater than I ever thought!

In any case, back to Kansai! The hotel we stayed at was in Osaka. The good thing about Kansai is that Osaka, Kyoto, Nara and Kobe are all close to each other. We didn’t go to Kobe though, but that’s alright. It takes about 30 minutes by train from Osaka to Kyoto and to Nara which isn’t that bad at all actually! Osaka is well known for its comedians and business. We didn’t go around that much in Osaka. Asami has an old childhood friend living in Osaka and who’s working at an expensive Izakaya.
After our trip to Nara (still Saturday), we went to check-in at the hotel, rested for an hour or so and then we went out on our adventure to look for this Izakaya. It took quite a while actually. Osaka is like a jungle if you’ve been living in Tokyo for three months. It’s hard to find where to go and so on and even with Asamis cellphone with GPS, it took us about 2.5 hours to get there. On our way there, we ate some takoyaki. Osaka is well known for okonomiyaki and takoyaki and the place we ate at was awesome.

So anyway, after wandering around for a while we finally arrived at the Izakaya and it was a very nice place indeed. The atmosphere was really good and we got to meet with Asamis childhood friend Yui. She seems to be a person full of life and speaks in Kansai dialect. We ate some food, drank some alcohol… and it wasn’t that much at all but the price came up to like 4000 anyway, expensive indeed but still a nice experience.

The next two days we spent in Kyoto but we stayed in the same hotel in Osaka until Monday. So during Sunday evening, after our first trip to Kyoto (will report about Kyoto soon), we went to a real nice Okonomiyaki place. Since there are a lot of Kanto people went to Kansai during the three day holiday, the line was quite long to get in, but it was worth the wait. The okonomiyaki was excellent and we didn’t even have to do it ourselves which you usually do when eating at okonomiyaki restaurants. Okonomiyaki is probably one of my favorite foods and I love to make okonomiyaki as well. I’m a specialist, so to speak!

Osaka feels a bit more like Tokyo mostly because of the night-life here. There are streets which looks quite similar to Shinjuku’s Kabukichou. I’ve also come to notice that Kansai people tend to not line up that well when entering the train. Surely they line up before, but once the doors open it’s like a crazy rush towards the door and no one seems to care about the order.
Compared to Tokyo they also stand on the right side when riding the escalators while Kanto people stands on the left side. It was quite funny because you could distinguish which people who were from Kanto and which ones who were from Kansai.

Deer ’o deer (Kansai, part 1)

Since the last post it has been rather hectic. I’ve been writing on my report for JASSO (in Japanese) which is required by those who received the scholarship. Other than that, I still have a report due this Monday for my economy class. The good thing though is that we can chose to write about anything as long as it’s related to Japanese culture or economy. I’ve decided to write, yet again, about food. Not about Swedish food as I did for my graduation paper but about Japanese cuisine and etiquette. It’s quite interesting actually as I’ve found out a few things I never knew about Japanese food and its food history. Apparently eating meat was banned for over a thousand years before emperor Meiji decided to lift the ban, wanting to modernize Japan.

Next week we have our final chapter test and on top of that a 2kyuu test which we take to see if we have progressed. Although it doesn’t have anything to do with our grades or the book we use it would be nice to see what score I can get on it. I’m uncertain though, because they say we have it tomorrow and if that is true I don’t think I have that much of a chance to get the 70% which is required to pass for E-class. My kanji knowledge isn’t the best right now since we’ve been forced to “learn” over 2000 new words which include kanji. We’ve been jumping real fast through our book which new grammar and words every day. The pace is pretty crazy and since we’re in Japan we don’t want to only do homework and tests but explore Tokyo and other places while we can. Who knows how long it will take before we can get back here. I’m going to write the test which Monbusho has to offer but I have to study for hours every day when I get back home, which I’m willing to do.

By each day it’s getting colder and now it’s so cold that I can wear a scarf without sweating. A month ago that would be unthinkable but it’s been rather cold lately and apparently it’s been colder than usual at this time of the year. It’s been raining quite often as well and that is one of the reasons why it grew so cold in such a short time. The trains get uncomfortably overcrowded during rainy days and the trains are sometimes late as well during these kinds of days. If a certain train is late, they will hand out a proof document that says that you’re late because of the train by how many minutes. This is to prevent you from getting into trouble with your teachers or work related people. It would be funny to use it as an excuse to get late for a date.

Last weekend (Nov 21-23) I and Asami went to Osaka, Nara and Kyoto. On the first day we went to Nara straight away and Nara was an old capital of Japan during the Nara period (years 710 – 791) with a lot of legends, temples and… deer! Yes, you read it right. A lot of deer. Nara is full of deer and as a result of all the deer there are also deer spilling wherever you go. You have to watch your step, otherwise you might (or actually most probably) step into it. Other than the deer poo, Nara was quite beautiful. We didn’t spend that much time there though as our main trip was focused on Kyoto. We went Toudai-ji which was very nice. We went to a shrine as well but I can’t remember the name. We couldn’t get in though, they had some sort of ceremony for kids turning 3, 7 and… something I can’t remember. Nara really felt like an old city. Not only that, Nara is out in the suburbs so you won’t find any tall buildings like in Tokyo, Osaka or Kyoto. The atmosphere is hard to describe when it comes to a city with such old history. You have to go there yourself in order to experience it. If not, go there to experience the deer!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

Above: You can buy "shikazembe" (rice cakes for the deer) and feed them. It's pretty nice to be able to interact with them. If you're not careful enough though, you might get overwhelmed by the amount of deer which might come at you.

Speaking of bread

In Japan there are all sorts of weird bread you can’t find anywhere else or at least not in Sweden. For starters, I’ve never eaten that many types of bread that are offered here in Japan. The only bread types I’ve eaten which are special are curry pan (pan = bread in Japanese… It’s actually a borrowed word from Portugal or something though but who cares), melon pan and anpan.
Curry pan is what you could imagine before I mention it, is bread with curry in it. The outside is a bit fried I think to get a crunchier consistence to it and the curry adds more of a “food” feeling to it. It’s very good but I haven’t had one of those in a long time.
Melon pan is melon bread or at least they want you to think that it is. It doesn’t taste much of melon though and there are usually two sorts of them. One without cream and one with cream and the one with cream is the best. The taste is anything but melon, but it’s still a sweet type of bread with sugar and other things in it. I’m guessing not so healthy things.
The anpan is also sweet bread but this has anko (azuki) inside of it which is a sweet red bean paste. My mom loves this one and so do I. There’s a white version instead of the red one as well and it taste somewhat different but I can’t explain how. It’s sweet nonetheless.

So why this topic about bread? I’ve decided to make this topic because I’m going to try out some different types of bread before I go home. The other day I bought melon pan and its brother koucha melon pan (western tea melon bread). Don’t ask me why it was called koucha, because it didn’t taste much like it. It had some sort of black things in it, but I’m not sure if it was tea or not. It also had some sort of fruit in it. I don’t think it was any sort of melon though.
In any case, the koucha melon pan was alright, but I would’ve bought two of the usual melon pan if I knew that it wasn’t so special. Here’s how they look. Melon pan being the closest one and the Koucha version in the back.

Tomorrow I’ve decided to buy something else! They have so much to choose between that it’s almost exciting. It’s not too expensive either. One of these usually cost like 150 yen which would be like 11 Swedish Kronor. I don’t mind paying some money for the new experience!

It’s only 2 weeks and 6 days to go before I go home. Once I get back from Kansai this weekend I need to take care of some stuff. It’s sad, but also a reality that has to be faced.

The worst news (pictures soon)

So last Thursday I got the answer on my extension here and it didn’t go through. It was like a bomb dropped straight from Enola Gay.  It’s especially hard since Asami lives here and me in Sweden and long-distance relationships are very hard. But I do see a future however since my major is Japanese and I am pretty much set on getting to Japan again as soon as the first opportunity pops up. Monbusho has a scholarship which I’m going to try to get but in order to do that I have to study hard as hell since the test is pretty much 1 kyuu level (the highest level Japanese). However, I’m going to pass this test and get the scholarship then go to Japan during next autumn again! If I can’t, then I will try to get a spot for the next exchange with Stockholm’s University. The flight back is 7th of December and I will arrive the same day in Sweden.

Other than that, the week has passed like any other. There’s always lots of stuff to do when it comes to school. Right now it feels that we have too much work with school as I still have a lot of things I want to do before I go home. I still have one more report to write before the end of the semester and I’m not sure what I’m going to write about yet but I think I’m going to write something about the Japanese society. During Thursday’s conversation lesson we had to do interviews and we’re supposed to make a presentation of the interview this Thursday. We went to Housei Daigaku which is not too far from the Ichigaya Nihon Daigaku mainbuilding but it did feel awkward being dragged around interviewing people we didn’t knew. In anyway, Yuta who is a volunteer at our conversation class and studies at Housei was kind enough to arrange a few of his friends to come so we could start of easier. I was interviewing about food, what kind of food they like and so on.

Asami came by and I made her some spaghetti and meat sauce which turned out well if I might say so myself, so well actually that I’m going to make it again today. She’d brought crème caramel (pudding) with her from a famous shop in Machida called Pastel. I’ve eaten these sorts before in Sweden, but this one is the best one I’ve eaten so far since they’re made from scratch rather than with a mixture.
She also bought a cellphone strap for me, a monkey with a banana! It’s very cute and she thought it was a perfect fit for me since I eat bananas all the time. The good thing about buying bananas here in Japan is that they’re so cheap while the downside is that they go bad very quickly for some reason.

During Friday, I had made a promise to Mitsuyoshi as there was some sort of exhibition at the Bunri gaku bu of Nihon University. It’s pretty close to Shimotakaido so I figured why the hell not. The exhibition was about Kabuki clothing and they looked really expensive and I’m guessing they are too. They seem to be big and very heavy as well. They look nice though, but nothing I would wear since I’m the jeans and t-shirt type of guy. So after the exhibition, me and Michael (a German friend) ran back to our apartments to get our training outfits as we were going to go and play futsal. This is the second time we play futsal and it’s really fun. The first time my legs were so sour the day after that I couldn’t walk straight. It felt like something had… yeah, no I think I’ll leave it at that.
The futsal is in Tobitakyuu so it’s not far from Shimotakaido. It takes about 20 minutes or so by Keio-line and then another 10 minutes walk to the actual futsal.
It was very cold that day though and Michael was kind enough to lend me a long sleeved shirt for me to use during the game.

During the evening, we went to Wara Wara (Smile Smile) izakaya in Shimotakaido. We were fortunate enough to get a room with karaoke so Tomi the fin was really happy. It was really fun and I enjoyed myself very much. We had nomihoudai along with meal courses so I ordered a few umeshus (plum wine). I’ve fallen in love with umeshu actually. I’m not usually that big of a fun of sweet taste alcohol drinks, but umeshu is really nice.

Saturday morning wasn’t too bad but I had to go up early since I had a date with Asami, date spot target: Odaiba. Odaiba is a real nice dating spot. I had never been there so it was a nice change of scenery, well OK, not that much of a change but the thing with Odaiba is that it’s a man-made island. It feels surrealistic actually but at the same time very cool. These things only happen in Japan! We went to a place called Miraikan Museum, which was pretty cool actually. They had a planetarium theater and we managed to get seats for one of the movies. It was a cute movie, but not as exciting as the ones I’ve seen in Stockholm. I think the ones in Miraikan are made for children rather than adults. In any case, the museum itself had a lot of things, mostly with relation to technology and development of the human body and mind such as genome technology, robotics, green house effect and what not.  What surprised me the most with Odaiba was the wonderful illuminations that were lit up. They’ve started to decorate some places with Christmas lights and putting up Christmas trees as well. There’s even a mimic of Statue of Liberty and of course the beautiful Rainbow Bridge with Tokyo tower in the background. Both Tokyo Tower and Rainbow Bridge were lit with blue lights that day as well.

Yesterday we went to the American base in Fussa again. I bought more Quicksilver t-shirts, Reese’s (yummy peanut butter inside of chocolate), some meat which is cheap as well compared to everywhere (!) and Armani cologne. We went to Chili’s again and I have to say even though it’s not the most nutrition filled food, it’s damn good. I had some fajitas this time instead of the chicken.

This coming weekend I will be going to Kansai for the weekend (+ Monday since it’s a holiday) with Asami, her mother and her aunt. Well actually, her mother and her aunt will be going on Sunday while I and Asami will go on Saturday. It will be interesting, once again since I’ve never been to Kansai. We’re going to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara so I hope I can eat some good Okonomiyaki. I’m good at making Okonomiyaki, but it’s hard to beat the restaurant made ones.

Next week I will finally meet Masuda-san before I go back to Sweden. I asked him to buy a Sigma 10-20mm wide lens for me, which he has ordered. Hopefully I’ll be getting it by next week. Dad asked me to buy a Nikkor 10-24mm for him and I did. Nikkor is usually very expensive, but the quality is usually unbeatable. The thing I love about Japan is the big market for used camera equipment. You can spend a whole day in these kinds of shops I tell you. I wonder how I’m going to solve the hand luggage issue though since I have to have all the lenses and cameras in there. Oh well, I’ll solve it somehow!

Okinawa (Pictures coming soon)

This past week has been hectic as usual. As always, we have kanji quizzes almost every day and a chapter test as well. Asami came by during the Monday and I cooked some spaghetti and meat sauce for her and she brought some pudding for dessert. She also bought this cute mobile phone strap for me. I eat bananas everyday here since they’re cheap and good, but unfortunaly they go bad very quickly here for some reason. In any case, I’ve been saying that I want a banana strap for a while so she bought me the perfect gift. Today I had a speech about Gustav Vasa, the “farther” of our country. He liberated Sweden from Denmark during the 16:th century and became king June the 6th, which now is our independence day.

I’ve also been writing on my JASSO report which is due later in November. It’s actually harder than I thought to write it. We are supposed to write about our achievement during our stay here and for some reason it’s hard to praise yourself in a report. I’ve written about one A4 page (which was the lowest limit) but I want to do at least one more page. Tomorrow is also the deadline for our graduation composition, which I’m basically done with I just need someone to correct it one more time. It became like 5 pages long including some pictures. I wrote about Swedish food which was more difficult than I could ever imagine. To think that food is such a complicated subject!

So who would’ve thought that November could be such a sweaty month (literally speaking). We went to Okinawa last weekend and damn it was hot. It was humid even as soon as we stepped out from the airplane and into Naha airport. The very same day, Friday, had been 27 degrees Celsius which is like high summer in Sweden except for the humidity. It was my first time in there and it was certainly a real nice experience. It seems to be “off season” for the Japanese, but I wonder how that can be since it’s colder during autumn and winter while the weather in Okinawa is crazy hot.

In any case, Ryosuke was the kindest for having planned the whole event for us, including reservations of trip, taxi, hotel and even where we should go and visit. The first thing I was kind of surprised of was that we actually rode a Boeing 747-400 to Okinawa from Haneda. The 747 is usually meant for long distance but Haneda – Okinawa only takes about 2.5 hours.
When we got out the airplane it was like walking straight into a sauna. Well OK, it wasn’t THAT bad, but it was most definitely warmer than Tokyo (and Swedish summer). We went by Taxi to the hotel, which took about one hour. On the way there we bought some food, awamori (Okinawa Sake) and Okinawan beer.  The Okinawan beer was alright, but I prefer Asahi over it and I’m not too fond of sake except for Umeshu (plumwine, sweet) but I drank it nonetheless! So we arrived at the hotel and it goodness it was a very luxurious hotel with ocean view. The rooms were big as well and the hotel had onsen (hot public bath) along with sauna and the whole kit. It had been a while since I’ve gone to an onsen and it felt real nice. Me, Ryosuke and Kyle went down to take a bath as we talked about various things. Afterwards it was time to go to the beach and to enjoy the ocean during the fine evening with a few beers and snacks. We were supposed to get up around 8 o’clock the next morning because our schedule was pretty much full for the entire day. Mikael was the first one to go to bed and I was the second one. Apparently in all the drunkenness, the rest of the people went out for a swim in the ocean.  Kyle and Ryosuke, who I shared rooms with, came back around 3 o’clock in the morning so I had to get up and open up for them.  You could imagine how they looked like in the morning… Or check the pictures! :>

So the Saturday started off with us going to eat the biggest breakfast I’ve ever had in my whole life. It was a buffet (Japanese call it Viking which is actually another term for Smörgåsbord!) and god they had everything there. There were mostly western style dishes, but also Japanese food sorts as well.

The first even we went to was snorkeling! And it was really nice. I never thought the ocean could be so beautiful. I got to borrow Asami’s underwater camera so I took some photos but I probably won’t get them processed until I get back to Sweden. After that we stopped at some random place where apparently 10 000 people can sit at the same time. I can’t remember it name though, but it was nice. It had some fine views of the ocean and cliffs. After that we continued to theme park of some sorts. It had an aquarium, dolphin show, museums and stuff so we all went around looking freely as we pleased. After that we went back home to eat at a restaurant and then to get together to play a game called Maffia in our room until late.

Sunday came and it was our last day in Okinawa. We went to a cape which was not far from the hotel, a artificial made Ryukyu Village (Okinawa used to be it’s own kingdom before it became a part of Japan. There’s still an Okinawa language and such.), the old castle of the Okinawa Kings and to the international street (It’s just simple called that). After that we went back to Naha airport and flew back to Haneda.

I wanted to try to make this post short so I could explain it with pictures instead. There’s no point in writing how beautiful something is unless you can’t show it!
So enjoy the pictures!


It's almost only one month left until the JLSP term ends. Accordingly to the schedule we have the closing ceremony on the 4th of December and we also have to move out from the apartment by the 4th... Unless I can get my extention approved. They said that they would let me know by this week, but I haven't heard anything so far. Accordingly to Hosaka-sensei there were only 12 students who applied for the next term which isn’t many at all compared to this term. This term we’re over 22 people and last term there were only 15. Jonas in my class says that there’s some sort of deficit of exchange students at Nihon Daigaku and that they need to let more people in so I’m thinking the chances are pretty high. Hosaka-sensei said that the chances are high as well so I’m hopeful.

If I won’t be able to stay it’ll be sad for many reasons. It will, of course, be sad even if I stay in some ways as well. The problem with being an exchange student for just a few months is that you meet new people, become friends, experience new things together and laugh together.  Then three months later, everyone returns to their own home countries to continue their previous lives they had before they came here. It’s a wonderful thing to make new friends, but also sad to “lose” them so quickly. Of course there’s Facebook and such, but it’s not the same thing as real life.

Enough said about the sad stuff! Under Monday’s class we had Peter Mizuki and he demonstrated how kendo works. We got to try out different basic strikes as well on him as he wore armor. Compared to soccer, baseball and other sorts of sports kendo can even be practiced by older people. In fact, the older the person is the high rank they usually are. The highest rank can only be achieved after passing a certain age. In budo sports such as kendo and sumo, you’re never allowed to cheer after you’ve taken a point or won. That is a very no-no. In recent events, there was a Bulgarian (I think he was Bulgarian) sumo wrestler who did just this. There’s been a lot of talk about it and the manager had to apologize over and over.
Trying out kendo was fun, but it’s nothing for me. It feels that I’m a bit too old to start doing it now. Most people start out very young and in my case it feels too late… And unfortunaly, even though it was a fun experience, I’m not that interested in martial arts. I prefer my jogging and from time to time weight training.

Above: Mizuki-sensei shows us how to do a "Men" strike.

Above: Me performing a "dou" strike.

During the weekend I went to Asami’s place. We went to the movies and watcher The Time Traveler’s Wife starring Eric Bana. The last time I saw Eric Bana was in München, which was an OK movie but way too long. It was nice to see a different Eric Bana actually compared to the assassin in München or the Hulk. It’s a romantic movie and even though I usually don’t watch romantic movies it was quite alright. The problem with it is of course that it felt like a never ending story. Time Traveling, remember?

On our way back, there was this huge place with tons of vendor machines. We have those in Sweden of course, but they’re EVERYWHERE here in Japan. It’s unbelievable what the sell in these as well. In Sweden some of this would be unthinkable, such as alcohol and tobacco. Of course, it’s not legal to drink or smoke in Japan until you’ve turned 20 (18 in Sweden). Some of these machines have ID-check functions but most of them don’t though. In Sweden,  when you’re 18 you can only buy alcohol up to 3.5% in a local shop such as supermarket or convenient store but you can still drink stronger beverage at bars and such. However if you want to buy your own beverage outside restaurants and such, you need to go to what’s called “Systembolaget” which is a state owned company which has monopoly over all the stronger spirits and such.  For this you need to be 20 years old. It’s a somewhat odd system which has its ups and downs.

Above: Sake!

Above: Here you need to insert your ID in order to buy sake or tabacco.

Above: What would life be without instant ramen?

Tomorrow I’ll be going to Okinawa. Expect a nice post with pictures when I get back! (If I have time, it might take a while O_O)

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