
It's almost only one month left until the JLSP term ends. Accordingly to the schedule we have the closing ceremony on the 4th of December and we also have to move out from the apartment by the 4th... Unless I can get my extention approved. They said that they would let me know by this week, but I haven't heard anything so far. Accordingly to Hosaka-sensei there were only 12 students who applied for the next term which isn’t many at all compared to this term. This term we’re over 22 people and last term there were only 15. Jonas in my class says that there’s some sort of deficit of exchange students at Nihon Daigaku and that they need to let more people in so I’m thinking the chances are pretty high. Hosaka-sensei said that the chances are high as well so I’m hopeful.

If I won’t be able to stay it’ll be sad for many reasons. It will, of course, be sad even if I stay in some ways as well. The problem with being an exchange student for just a few months is that you meet new people, become friends, experience new things together and laugh together.  Then three months later, everyone returns to their own home countries to continue their previous lives they had before they came here. It’s a wonderful thing to make new friends, but also sad to “lose” them so quickly. Of course there’s Facebook and such, but it’s not the same thing as real life.

Enough said about the sad stuff! Under Monday’s class we had Peter Mizuki and he demonstrated how kendo works. We got to try out different basic strikes as well on him as he wore armor. Compared to soccer, baseball and other sorts of sports kendo can even be practiced by older people. In fact, the older the person is the high rank they usually are. The highest rank can only be achieved after passing a certain age. In budo sports such as kendo and sumo, you’re never allowed to cheer after you’ve taken a point or won. That is a very no-no. In recent events, there was a Bulgarian (I think he was Bulgarian) sumo wrestler who did just this. There’s been a lot of talk about it and the manager had to apologize over and over.
Trying out kendo was fun, but it’s nothing for me. It feels that I’m a bit too old to start doing it now. Most people start out very young and in my case it feels too late… And unfortunaly, even though it was a fun experience, I’m not that interested in martial arts. I prefer my jogging and from time to time weight training.

Above: Mizuki-sensei shows us how to do a "Men" strike.

Above: Me performing a "dou" strike.

During the weekend I went to Asami’s place. We went to the movies and watcher The Time Traveler’s Wife starring Eric Bana. The last time I saw Eric Bana was in München, which was an OK movie but way too long. It was nice to see a different Eric Bana actually compared to the assassin in München or the Hulk. It’s a romantic movie and even though I usually don’t watch romantic movies it was quite alright. The problem with it is of course that it felt like a never ending story. Time Traveling, remember?

On our way back, there was this huge place with tons of vendor machines. We have those in Sweden of course, but they’re EVERYWHERE here in Japan. It’s unbelievable what the sell in these as well. In Sweden some of this would be unthinkable, such as alcohol and tobacco. Of course, it’s not legal to drink or smoke in Japan until you’ve turned 20 (18 in Sweden). Some of these machines have ID-check functions but most of them don’t though. In Sweden,  when you’re 18 you can only buy alcohol up to 3.5% in a local shop such as supermarket or convenient store but you can still drink stronger beverage at bars and such. However if you want to buy your own beverage outside restaurants and such, you need to go to what’s called “Systembolaget” which is a state owned company which has monopoly over all the stronger spirits and such.  For this you need to be 20 years old. It’s a somewhat odd system which has its ups and downs.

Above: Sake!

Above: Here you need to insert your ID in order to buy sake or tabacco.

Above: What would life be without instant ramen?

Tomorrow I’ll be going to Okinawa. Expect a nice post with pictures when I get back! (If I have time, it might take a while O_O)


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