
So in the past few days there's been some talk about the typhoon which just recently passed the Kanto area. It's not that very often a typhoon is making it's way straight over the Japanese islands, but this one did. It was during the late night / morning which was worst apparently, but I never woke up from it. I thought that it would be much harder winds blowing. The lessons were cancelled today due to the typhoon so now I'm sitting in my apartment with a cup of coffee thinking of how I should make the best out of today.

I was supposed to have kanji quiz, speech and try to come up with a Swedish saying for today's lesson and discuss it with the Japanese volounteers. Since we don't have kanji quiz today, I'm guessing we're having the quiz tomorrow along with the quiz we were supposed to have tomorrow as well. I don't know if they're that cruel so they put two kanji quizes on the same day, but it's better to be on the safe side and study for both parts.
On tuesday we're having a grammar, kanji and expression test again but for chapter 2 this time. There are alot of new grammatical parts which are hard actually, and I need to study real hard for this one.

A few days ago, Jonas french girlfriend came to visit him (Jonas is a german friend from the same class as me) and Ryosuke and Asami among others Japanese volounteers were eager to meet her for some reason. So Jonas decided that we should go out and eat some nabe. Well, it was nabe and mostly other things actually, but at least there was one set of nabe. I finally officially met Takashi for the first time. I've seen him around and on facebook and such, but never had the chance to actually speak with him. Anyway, this is just a short update. I'm gonna finish my coffee and start studying.

Oh, by the way, I've decided to buy a Nikon D200. I thought it was time to upgrade from my old D40 to and old D200 instead. It was a choice between D90 and D200 actually, but I chose the D200 mostly because of the ergonimical traits of the D200 as well as the robust aluminium body it has. Ontop of that it's cheaper than the D90 (since the D90 is newer of course). I've asked our good friend Masuda-san to buy it for me and as far as I know the body costs like 60 000 yen, which is very nice.


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